Nov. 2008, Birthday Party!!

Edith and I celebrated our birthdays last week with the whole family filling the townhouse. she turned 88 and I turned 60. It was a weekend of playing with Zoe-2, eating, talking, laughing, and sharing stories and photos.
Here we are at our favorite Mexican Restaurant. 
My favorite memory came on Sunday evening. That day my sister, Iris, had arranged a women's celebration, so she sent the men off to a huge technology type of store. Then she proceeded to bring out all of her belly dancing scarves, spangles, bangles, music, cream cheese-walnut stuffed dates and "hafla-juice" (champagne).
All of us girls had a great time trying to dance while Edith chose to sit and watch the "younger" girls and just enjoy the music. That is until the men came home later that evening. As she bid her good nights, she told the men that they had missed quite a party. Then Edith stood up, shook her hips, and waved her arms to show them exactly what she meant. We all laughed at how she had saved her dancing until she had the biggest audience.  Too bad we didn't get a photo of that!

Carl and my sister put together a slide show with several old photos from my life.  Growing up in the 50's and 60's photos were very rarely taken.  Here is a rare one taken in NC after my father passed, showing the family at that time.  On the left is my youngest brother, then my sister, then me, with Carl the youngest in front of me, then Ann and Rich, next are my two older brothers who have since passed and their wives, finally my mom Carolina Belle is on the right.